The Space We Share

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My Dream for The Space We Share (Our 100th Blog!)

A year and a half ago, we began this blog in response to a tugging that had been pulling at my heart for several years. The name was thrown out by my mom after I approached her and Amber about joining me. We essentially live in a triangle, our yards all backing up to a shared space. The name felt so natural and perfectly fitted to this little pursuit of ours. 

Through months of writing and sharing with the world (but mostly our family and closest friends), my longing for this space has only grown. Two autumns ago, we branched out to host our first ever fundraiser event. We filled the patch of grass spanning to our homes with farm tables and mismatched chairs, called in favors to help with the food and decorations, sent out pretty invitations, and raised several thousand dollars for a Christian school in Pakistan very dear to our hearts. It was hard work and very time consuming, but oh how fulfilling it was to use our tiny platform for something worthwhile. 

Since that magical night filled with feasting and worship and community coming together for a common purpose, life has so often taken over. Many Fridays have passed with no blog to post, and if I’m being honest, it has never bothered me much because there was never a high demand or expectation that needed to be met. We’re still in the beginning stages, and that’s ok. 

That is the space I hope to invite a thirsty world into. 

But despite the things that keep us busy—good, worthwhile things like fostering children and counseling wounded souls, or getting a college degree and having babies— the Space We Share has continued to tug on my heart strings, with dreams bigger than this little yard. The truth is, the name carries a connotation with shoes we have yet to fill. The Space We Share is a tribute to our communities and neighborhoods that link us together, but on an even larger scale, the planet that we all reside. The hopes and dreams we all share, the core beliefs that link our hearts, and the intrinsic human desire to live a life filled with purpose and meaning. That is the space I hope to invite a thirsty world into. 

As I begin dream-casting for 2020, this space continues to appear at the top of my list. Whether this blog remains a small piece of real estate on the internet, encouraging perhaps only one or two weary hearts, or it grows into books and events, a movement even—my prayer is that it would be a platform to draw us back together. To set aside our differences long enough to remember the important things that unite us. 

Welcome to the space we share. Thank you for journeying with us this far.