Fostering A Butterfly
The hard things in life are always the most worthwhile.
A chrysalis doesn't look like much on the outside, and what happens on the inside is a miracle. A transformation that is spectacular. This is the gift we have been given.
We have been blessed with a little butterfly. She is a jewel on our crowns of life. Her smile is infectious and her laugh, the bells of heaven only dare to come close.
Photo by Joanne Gerber on Unsplash
Fostering has been our journey for 6 months, and we finally got our call. We waited anxiously by our phones for 16 days. Time seemed to drag on those 16 days, and then once we got our call, it seemed to fly into hyper speed. A precious baby girl needed us, and we were so ready for her. The people we share our space with, they jumped on our crazy train and took off to the store for diapers, pajamas and other little things.
Then we waited, just a little longer, eager to see this little love that was coming into our lives. Sophia and Izzie were beside themselves.
“Butterfly” came to us late that night, tired and a little unsure. But she came right to us, ready for our open arms. The road we have traveled to get here wasn't easy and the road we are on now isn’t either. Toby and I are on a “remembering journey.” We forgot about all things baby, thankfully I have ladies in my life that I can ask a bazillion questions to and they help me remember all the things parents say they won’t forget. I think we forget on purpose, at least that’s what Alyssa said, and I agree. We forget the hard parts so we will want to keep having more.
The nights have been long, and the days longer, but this little girl is so very worth it. She has some challenges ahead of her, but she has a community of people who are going to walk with her. That old saying, “it takes a village,” never rang more true than now. Sophia and Izzie are THE BEST big sisters anyone could ask for. THE BEST!
We call her “Butterfly” for many reasons. Mostly though, it’s because we haven’t seen the truest form of her yet. She is working through some tough situations and isn’t always her real self. She is in her little chrysalis, working out some things, growing and changing. We see all the potential in her, all the love and beauty that is forming. One day, very soon she will emerge, having defeated obstacles most of us have never experienced. She will be refined, and she will be a new creature. With wings both fragile and strong, we will teach her to fly.
We don’t know how long she will grace us with her presence. The future is still a little uncertain, but we have her for now. One thing is certain, being a foster mom, is just as amazing as being any other kind of mom. People often worry about attachment or fear of loosing them down the road, I understand all of that. But what is fear but the absence of faith. None of us are promised tomorrow, so we seize today. We make the most of the time we have and love the lifeout of every second.
If you are interested in Fostering to Adopt, let me know. I can point you in the right direction. Hope Cottage has been so good to us and have such big hearts for the kiddos.