Choose Your Race, And Then You RUN
Here we are, barely two weeks into a brand new decade. The slower pace of the holidays has given way to a different pace, more of a ready, set, go! I feel a bit like a racehorse in the stall waiting for the gun to go off. Goals and dreams for this year, and this decade even, are running rampant through my head. I wouldn’t call them New Year’s Resolutions exactly, as that implies unreasonable and short-lived. These are stirrings deep within me, calling me to run the race before me with stamina, purpose and grace.
The week between Christmas and New Years, we re-watched one of my favorite movies, Secretariat. I love this story of overcoming, of beating the odds. I love the beauty of the movie and the spiritual analogies throughout. I love that a 1960s Colorado mom and homemaker saw something special in this horse and she would not let go. And I love love love the climactic scene where Secretariat comes from behind, kicks it into high gear and soars past all the rest, leaving the other horses and riders in awe of his majestic grace and speed. This was a horse born to run and it was a sight to behold.
Photo by Sarah Olive on Unsplash
Throughout the movie, a running theme is “choose your race and then you run”. This has become sort of a mantra for me as I’m rounding the corner to begin the next lap. There are two parts to it. The first is a call to choose, and choose wisely. If I try to run every race that comes along, I will fizzle and flop before Valentine’s Day. If I want to retain stamina for the long haul, I have to figure out which race is mine to run.
As 2019 began winding down, so many of my morning quiet times were spent reflecting on what the year looked like, what I spent the most time doing, the highs and lows and victories and struggles. I also spent a good many hours seeking wisdom and clarity for 2020. And sure enough, in these hours things began to come into focus. As the fog and dust settled, a few things rose to the top and I have determined (unless God redirects) to let these take priority.
Maybe we’re fighting the wrong things. Maybe it should be more about what we’re fighting for instead of what we’re fighting against.
This means I have to say “no” to some things. As the race I’m choosing has become clearer, so have the races I’m not choosing. I’ve had some hard conversations as I’ve stepped away from some things. I don’t like letting people down. I don’t like being seen as incapable or unwilling to help. And yet I’m learning I can say yes to a lot of really good things but if they’re not the best thing I will run myself ragged not doing the very things I set out to do.
Then there’s the second part of the mantra, which is the hardest part. It’s about getting in the game. Taking action. Doing the thing.
As Alyssa shared last week, our family tradition is to gather on New Year’s Eve, reminisce about the Kodak moments of the previous year and each reveal our “word for the year”. This time of intimate sharing becomes a kodak moment in itself as we encourage each other to run hard and fast in the direction of our God-given dreams.
My word for this year is fight. A little strange, I know, considering there’s already way too much fighting going on in our world. But maybe we’re fighting the wrong things. Maybe it should be more about what we’re fighting for instead of what we’re fighting against.
My fight, my race, will look different from yours. I am choosing to fight for the lovely ones who can’t fight for themselves as I focus more on my work with Redeemer Christian Foundation, to fight alongside my clients as they battle paralyzing fear, anxiety, depression, trauma and abuse, and to fight for all that is good and true and right in my family and community and the world beyond.
At the same time I know if these goals remain ambiguous and broad, nothing will change. I’ll stay in my comfort zone, where I tend to dwell most of the time. I have to break it down into specific challenges and tasks and make daily choices that result in big change over the course of time. And I can accomplish nothing of value apart from the power of the Holy Spirit.
So what race are you running in 2020? I would love to hear about your goals and dreams so I can pray for you. Respond to the blog or email me at
Shh … can you feel it? The electricity in the air just before the race begins? The starting gate opens… and they’re off!